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Because Sometimes, named after the poem and her rock ballad by the same name, was created by Deborah Joan Jones. Sick and tired of seeing her talented and beautiful friends in the music business failing, strung out on antidepressants, becoming shadows of their former selves, sick, inhibited, and void of self-esteem, and with death in the news, mass killings, and the suicides of the world's most loved idols, and with an estimated 63,000 suicides related to antidepressants, she went on a mission to fiercely defend the vulnerable and spread the word that mental health does not have to be a life sentence or death sentence. She spends her time taking care of her family creating her work, and introducing and putting together artists and the many organizations who share the same goal. She is engaged in raising money to support these amazing charities and in spreading the word that real help exists and is out there for all.


A message from Deborah Joan Jones.

I'm an entertainer, musician, painter, actress, and writer who lives between the worlds of the art forms I love to create and the real one. I know about our world, I've experienced life just like you have. I've watched talented people succeed and live happy lives. And I've seen some fall apart or die because they didn't know how to handle obstacles that got in their path. They didn't know how to handle problems with their mental health and ultimately it killed them. I know you've seen it too. I have experienced criticism, attacks, and stress for myself and I've seen hatred and cruelty coldly launched at others. I've seen how it affects the people it hurts and those around them. I started writing songs and poetry about it and people responded positively to my work. I realized it had the potential to help others and decided to create, 'Because Sometimes', a mental health community. It is my contribution to the beautiful people of the world, to fellow artists, good people everywhere, and friends we've yet to meet. It's a tribute to those the world has lost due to mental health issues, beautiful souls of the past who were failed by psychiatry like Vincent Van Gogh and Marilyn Monroe, and those we've recently watched succumb, Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Robin Williams, and Avicii. Damn. The list of tragic deaths is just too long. We cared about them. I care about you. Most people care about one another and want to help each other. Here, good people come together to offer and share real solutions to the usual problems of life. Because labels, depression, overdose, gun violence, and suicide are not acceptable to us anymore. We see the connection with drugs and are sick of unnecessarily losing our brightest stars, those artists, friends, and family we love. Here, we support and defend from attack the artists we look up to who can end up on strong medications that blunt their creativity and ruin their lives. Here we take a look at workable ideas to help all of us, with real solutions from the people they've helped, to address the problems you face affecting your life and general well-being. We connect with other amazing mental health groups and communities, celebrities, and non-profit organizations across the world who are also committed to helping others with effective solutions. Some of us avoid the real world. Some lock themselves away or numb themselves missing out on the real joy and happiness that can be made, unable to create or thrive. You don't have to do that if you don't want to. Here, you will find support and help in the many ways you will learn about. You can decide to have the successful future you deserve. You can be happy. You can stand tall in the warm sunshine. You can start your own business or a new project. You can dream, be happy, and feel alive. The world is not a cold, dark place. It is a place of opportunity, of fast-paced games and noble pursuits for the good. You are good. You deserve to be surrounded by good people. Join us over at the Because Sometimes Facebook group, where you can find others who understand what you're going through and get help for yourself or someone you care about. Real help, with real love. Because sometimes we all need that. Consider me a friend. Please use the resources here. My wish for you is a beautiful, fulfilling, mentally healthy, and happy life.


~ Deborah Joan Jones



#becausesometimes #mentalhealthawareness

About: About

Because Sometimes (Excerpt)

Because sometimes
Is your only somewhere

Because sometimes
Is your only home

Because sometimes
Is too crowded

Because sometimes

Because sometimes
Voices in your head
Aren’t yours

Because sometimes
The help you need
Isn’t a pill

© Deborah Joan Jones

About: Quote


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Our thanks to all of the individuals, groups, and organizations all over the world who have contributed, or are featured here, who are working toward the betterment of, and effective results in the field of mental health and healing and are committed to helping others.
The information or opinion provided by Because is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Any information, products, services on the website/mobile site, or links are for informational purposes only. Never disregard or delay medical advice based on the information you may have read on this site. 
©2020-©2024 Deborah Joan Jones
All Rights Reserved.

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