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Mental Health
Mental Health could be defined as the sharpness of the mind in recognizing the difference between survival and harmful elements, solving problems relating to survival, and using the correct estimation of effective action required to resolve them. Someone in good shape is able to start and carry out projects, help others, and thrive in life. 

Good Mental Health
Could be described as the ability to see one's environment clearly. To make decisions and to act on them, resulting in oneself, one's family, and others around him surviving well and being happy.

Poor Mental Health
We could describe this as the inability to see one's environment, or an inability to confront it, as it is, and therefore unable to make decisions that aid, but mistakenly harm oneself, and/or others, hampering one's survival, happiness, and creativity.

Is Mental Health a disease?
No. Mental Health can be likened to the term Physical Health. It refers to the overall condition of your mind and emotional state. One can have poor or good health, mentally or physically. 

The Brain
Depression cannot be seen in the brain. There is currently no way to measure or test for it in western medicine. The brain can be physically damaged or diseased, as in Dementia or Brain Cancer. This can affect the function of the body. Physical neurological problems can be measured using medical tests. 


Anxiety, Depression, Low Self-Esteem

These things can come about as a result of stress or poor health. Medical tests, such as blood tests, can be carried out to determine if you are experiencing a deficiency that could result in poor mental health such as poor gut health or vitamin deficiencies. When the cause is stress, one must only identify the source and reorganize life so the stressful element no longer exerts its power or control. Neither of these situations can be improved by taking antidepressants. It takes a tough approach, your powers of investigation, and your determination. You are the protector and defender of your health. Guard against others who might exploit you for their own gain.  


Management Vs Cure

Often, someone is said to be cured when in fact they are on antidepressants. Antidepressants are not a cure. They may be a band-aid to the problem, in that it may seem to others or even the person themself that they feel better. But antidepressants do not address the true cause, and surveys have found that the effects are short-lived and dangerous considering the lethal side effects stated on black-box warnings. Currently, the largest number of people to date are battling to wean themselves off antidepressants. Some, under the direction of a medical doctor, while hundreds of thousands are battling it alone. Forums have been springing up and are flooded with people trying to get off these highly addictive mind-altering drugs. To say antidepressants are a cure is misleading, as a real cure would indicate the person is no longer reliant on any aid in order to function normally. Sometimes people are dependent on drugs in order to support physical function, as those dependent on drugs such as blood thinners. Someone who needs ongoing medical management is not cured. Drugs that support a vital role of the body, can be truly life-saving. But in solving mental health problems drugs only dull the mind, doing the opposite of what's needed, and are often used for decades offering no actual cure, with the person needing more and more drugs and experiencing a loss of his creativity and drive. Sadly, their mental health issues actually worsen. Over time the person's mental resilience is worn down from the continual drugging. The solution to problems concerning one's mental health should be a solid cure, one that addresses the true cause and that requires no further reliance on any aids. The person should be returned to a normal, healthy, happy, well-functioning, and alert state. 

Some things that can negatively affect your Mental Health:

Bad Health

Poor Diet
Drinking to Excess
Eating to Excess
Processed Foods
Sugar Intolerance
Artificial Sweeteners

Chemical Toxicity

Glyphosate Toxicity (Weed Killer)
Poor Gut Health

Low Cholesterol

Hormone Imbalances

Vitamin Deficiencies

Low Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels

Medication Side Effects
Screen Time

Negative Media Attention

Negative Social Media Attention
Pharmaceutical Drugs

Psychiatric Injury
Recreational Drugs
Lack of Solutions to a Problem
Work Difficulties
Too Many Unresolved Problems
Lack of Problems (Games)
Not Enough Activity
Not Enough Action
Not Enough Pleasure
Not Enough Excitement
A Failure
Lack of Goals
Criminal Activity
Familial Problems
Relationship Problems
Physical Impairments
Money Problems

Poor Money Management
Poor Self Image
Low Morale




Physical problems, like an infection in the stomach which can cause one to feel anxious, or someone experiencing hallucinations due to bacteria in his urinary system, are problems relating to everyday life, things we might experience. Good mental acuity is therefore crucial in detecting and resolving any issue swiftly and thoroughly. Any dulling of one's mental sharpness is the exact opposite of what it takes to resolve a problem. Service members and veterans and their family members are particularly vulnerable. Sedation, alcohol, or drugs all inhibit your ability to get back on track and get your affairs in order and should be avoided when tackling mental health issues, such as feeling low from bad news, returning from service, or the shock associated with the death of a loved one.

Because sometimes we just need to keep it simple.

What Is Mental Health?: About
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